Combating baby travel sickness
By Jonathan Vickery

Travel sickness is common among young children, but babies are also susceptible to suffering from it.
Travel sickness is caused by the brain and ears receiving conflicting signals. A good example of this is reading in a car. If you are reading a book while moving, your eyes are registering that you are at a standstill, while the delicate balancing system in your ears register that you are moving. This imbalance results in travel sickness.
But travel sickness is not simply caused by movement. Many other factors can affect how your baby feels during travel, such as twisting roads, focusing on very near objects, smells or the temperature being too cold or too hot.
If your baby appears to be consistently unhappy on a flight, or even on the journey to the airport, then it is possible that they are suffering from travel sickness.
Ensure that you don't wrap your baby up too much or too little when they travel. Also, try not to distract them with books, as the effort of focusing on these can make the symptoms of travel sickness worse.
Worried about your baby's health on your flight? Follow our guide to carrying baby medicine.
Remember to book your airport parking, airport hotels and airport lounges with