>What medical precautions should I take?
By Kathryn Crawford

Unless you're travelling to high-risk areas such as tropical Malarial zones, there is little you need to do before your trip.
We all hope that our holidays will pass without a hitch, but it's always possible for your baby to become unwell while abroad. Prepare well in advance and make sure you are ready - just in case.
Ensure your child is adequately covered on your travel insurance policy for medical treatment abroad and make sure you keep important phone numbers such as a local medical centre and the insurance company's claim hotline ready to hand. Most insurance companies will have lists of approved medical practitioners in each country, so should be able to advise you if you need help.
If your child is already taking medication, make sure you have sufficient to last the whole holiday and several extra days' worth in case of delays.
Many minor ailments can be attended to using a basic first-aid kit which you can carry with you. As a rough guide, consider taking the following items. If in doubt, check with your GP:
• A thermometer
• Anti-histamine cream
• Insect repellent
• Calpol sachets and dioralyte (rehydration) sachets
• Calamine lotion
• Sun cream or sun block
• Calendula cream
• Plasters and small bandages.
Always remember that prevention is better than cure, so stick to some simple rules. Keep your baby cool and out of the sun and make sure he drinks lots of fluids. Sterilise feeding utensils, use bottled water and make sure that baby plays in a safe spot, away from sharp objects and places where he could easily fall.
Please note: The above is for guidance only and should not be construed as medical advice. If you are ever in doubt about your baby's health, you should not hesitate to seek medical advice. If you are travelling with a large holiday or tour operator they will be able to arrange this for you using one of their local representatives. Otherwise, take advice from your insurance company.
Kathryn Crawford is the editor of leading pregnancy, baby and parenting website, www.thebabywebsite.com.
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