During your flight
By Michael Johnson

It's not uncommon for travellers to have a fear of flying and look for ways to settle their nerves during flight.
It's also common for even the most fearless of children to be apprehensive. But what about taking your baby onto a flight?
Flying with a baby presents travellers with a series of new challenges. How can you keep your child from crying during the flight? What's the best way to counter popping ears when the cabin pressure drops during take off? Do you need to buy an extra seat for your baby or can you carry them on your lap? Answers to these questions and more are essential to parents heading overseas.
We have worked hard to ensure our guide is as comprehensive as possible to help make your travel experience hassle-free.
Our guide to flying with babies provides a comprehensive overview of issues concerning travelling with a baby. Take a look through our guide and you will find everything you need to know to help make your trip hassle-free.

For example, we have details of which airlines are regarded as being the most child-friendly, information on what baby products you can carry on board, and tips and advice on how to counter travel sickness.
You may even have tips of your own that you would like to share with fellow travellers. Alternatively, there may be something we have missed. If so, why not leave us your question or advice? You can even question one of our leading experts.
We have worked hard to ensure our guide is as comprehensive as possible to help make your travel experience hassle-free. If you think we've missed something, then you can leave tips and advice of your own, helping other travellers enjoy a hassle-free journey with their baby.
Remember to book your airport parking, airport hotels and airport lounges with HolidayExtras.com.