UK Tax Strategy


The following document sets out the tax strategy of Holiday Extras Investments Ltd and it's UK subsidiary undertakings (the Group) in accordance with its reporting obligations under Schedule 19 Finance Act 2016 paragraph 16(2).

The tax strategy covers all UK taxes, including but not limited to, corporation tax, income tax, NIC, and VAT as well as other various taxes paid by the Group.

Holiday Extras Investments Ltd understands that tax can be a complicated matter and therefore takes seriously its UK tax responsibilities and obligations.

This document is owned and has been approved by the Board of Directors (the Board) and will be reviewed annually and updated as appropriate. The Board is responsible for setting and monitoring the strategy and the Group's Chief Financial Officer (the Group CFO) has ultimate responsibility for its implementation and the management of tax and related risks.

Risk Management and Governance

  • We operate robust and efficient systems of risk management, which are consistent with our corporate governance controls in order to contribute to the effective implementation of this policy.
  • All risks identified as potentially impeding our commitment to a high standard of tax compliance or negatively impacting upon the company's reputation will be escalated to the appropriate level for review and consideration, including the Group CFO and the Board of Directors where appropriate.
  • The Group requests external advice where required to ensure it is capable of identifying and managing the ongoing tax risks we face.

Attitude towards tax planning

  • Holiday Extras Investments Ltd is committed to paying its fair share of tax. This means paying the correct amount of tax required by law. We appreciate paying the right amount of tax has a wider benefit for the communities in which we operate. Therefore, we are committed to enhancing shareholder value, but with due regard to all of our stakeholders.
  • All decisions in respect of tax planning relating to significant and complex commercial transactions will be aligned with our business strategy. As such, all decisions are intended to be supported by a genuine and sound commercial rationale.
  • The Board has no intention to enter into artificial arrangements to minimise its tax liabilities.

The level of risk in relation to UK taxation that the company is prepared to accept

  • We intend to approach all business decisions with a conservative and low tax risk approach. However, we will seek utilise all relevant incentives and tax reliefs as intended by Parliament where these apply to the Group.

Approach towards its dealings with HMRC

  • It is our intention to develop a good working relationship with the UK tax authorities by co-operating with them in a professional, timely, open and transparent manner.
  • We commit to make full and accurate disclosures in tax returns and in correspondence with HMRC.
  • Where we disagree with a tax authority's interpretation of the law, full disclosure will be made. Although, any alternative legal interpretation taken, we believe will be consistent with the intentions of Parliament and fully documented.

Holiday Extras Investments Ltd is committed to ensuring its tax affairs are kept up to date and is fully compliant with UK tax law. In turn this policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

Hugo Loudon - Chief Finance Officer
  • Hugo Loudon
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • 31st March 2024