Gender Pay Gap Report 2020

Snapshot date: April 2020
Measuring our gender pay gap is important to us, it helps us to understand more about gender equality at Holiday Extras. This feeds directly into our broader strategy and goals around diversity and inclusion and our mission to ensure our workplace is representative of our communities and customers across all levels of the organisation.
This year, due to the pandemic, most of our team were furloughed at the time of the snapshot date. This means inline with statutory requirements, our gender pay gap data only includes those who were not furloughed on the 5th April 2020: 17% of our people.
Based on this data our mean gender pay gap is 48% and median gender pay gap is 56%. Although this is higher than previous years (34.5% and 35.2% respectively), it only reflects a very small percentage of our workforce due to the reporting methods - and therefore not a true snapshot of our pay gap.
Of the 78 people that were not furloughed when this snapshot was taken, 46% were female (spread across leadership, customer and operations roles) and 54% were male (a larger proportion of whom were in more senior positions, including our exec board).
At this time, senior members of the team who were not furloughed were being paid at 50% of their normal salary, but working 100% hours. This is not reflected in the gender pay gap data shown here.
Our approach to who remained non-furloughed during the global pandemic was entirely based on the skills and roles that we required to support our customers through the unprecedented impact on their ability to travel. We were required to furlough most members of the majority of teams across the organisation, with the notable exception of our largest team, the customer service team, where a larger share of females work at band A salaries.
We are delighted that from the 1st September 2021 we were able to move our whole team back to 100% hours and so are currently calculating our true gender pay gap based on the full size of the team as of that date.
Once the data has been analysed we will share the report along with our key actions. We continue to address our gender pay gap and are committed to continuing this work as a priority.
Simon Hagger
Deputy CEO
Gender pay gap detail
The mean gender pay gap is 48.1%
The median gender pay gap is 56.0%
The percentage of males and females in each pay quartile band is:
Band | Description | Males | Females |
D | Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them in the upper quartile | 80% | 20% |
C | Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them in the upper middle quartile | 68.4% | 31.6% |
B | Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them in the lower middle quartile | 35% | 65% |
A | Includes all employees whose standard hourly rate places them in the lower quartile | 31.6% | 68.4% |
The percentage of male employees receiving a bonus is 94.2%
The percentage of female employees receiving a bonus is 91.3%
The mean gender bonus gap is 60.3%
The median gender bonus gap is 42.4%