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Person admiring view of the sea and mountains during a hike from Thira to Oia in Santorini, Greece Person admiring view of the sea and mountains during a hike from Thira to Oia in Santorini, Greece

12 New Year's resolutions for travellers

We reckon 2025 is going to be a great year to explore the world. Here are 12 New Year's resolutions we're making to start our journey off on the right foot.

1. Start a holiday saving fund

If you're anything like us you're always dreaming of your next holiday, so why not start a saving fund towards it?

Whether you keep it old school with coins in a jar (maybe empty your spare change into it at the end of every week), or you take advantage of saving schemes your bank offers (we particularly like the pots function with Monzo), make 2025 the year you start saving for that next trip.

Money-saving travel tips

We've tried, tested and recommended all the best money-saving travel tips to help make that holiday money go a little bit further.

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2. Plan a solo trip

Always wanted to take a solo trip but not quite mustered up the courage? Well we're here to tell you that it's not as scary as you think and you'll come out of it with some amazing experiences and maybe even some new friends.

Don't just think solo travel is for gap years either, as there's plenty of people travelling solo later in life, especially once their kids have finally flown the nest. Our top tip, stay in hostels where you can – you'll meet amazing people from all over the world and you'll never be lonely.

The top destinations for 2025

Haven't planned your big trip for 2025 yet? Here are our top picks for your next holiday.

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3. Learn a new language

Now we're not saying you need to become fluent in Spanish overnight, and we promise there isn't an end of year test, but learning a new language is an incredibly rewarding goal to have for 2025. There are great apps to help you learn and make it fun (nothing like old school textbooks!), such as Duolingo.

Why not set yourself a goal to order at a resturant entirely in the native language on your next holiday? The days of the universal sign for "bill, please" will be behind you.

4. Try food from different cultures

Grilling shelf using heat from volcano to cook meat at El Diablo restaurant in Timanfaya National Park, Lanzarote

When we think about travel one of the first things that comes to mind is all the new and exciting food you'll get to try. If you're planning a holiday, why not research what the top local dishes are and make sure you try them whilst you're there.

Or, why not make it a challenge to learn to cook different cuisines at home – cook your way around the world. Just remember to save some for us!

5. Explore closer to home

Travel doesn't just have to be about your big trip abroad – there's a lot to discover right here in the UK. We're usually so set on getting away for a holiday that we don't always consider what's right in front of us.

With so many beautiful places to explore, and hundreds of attractions to visit, why not try and see more of Britain this year?

UK Short Breaks

Looking to explore the UK this year? Make the most of your trip by choosing an award-winning short break from Holiday Extras.

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6. Read a new travel book each month

Always going to the same place and need some inspiration? Why not read some of the best travel books this year – by living vicariously through the author you might find inspiration for your own travels.

If you're looking for somewhere to start then Bill Bryson has a number of great books to choose from, and his writing style is incredibly funny and accessible.

Best books for your holiday

We've put together a little list of what we think are some of the best books to read on holiday.

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7. Stay somewhere unique

One of the great things about home-share culture and sites such as Airbnb is that it opens up a world of more unique and interesting places to stay. So when you travel this year, instead of booking into one of the big hotel chains why not find something more unique, like a former Jumbo Jet in Stockholm.

There's plenty of independent boutique hotels that would love your support after a rough few years, and you'll get a much more memorable holiday too.

8. Visit one of the 7 New Wonders of the World

View of Christ the Redeemer and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

In 2007 a list of the 7 New Wonders of The World was drawn up, which was probably about time as only one of the 7 ancient Wonders of the World is still standing.

On the list are Chichen Itza (Mexico), Christ the Redeemer (Brazil), the Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu (Peru), Petra (Jordan), the Taj Mahal (India), and the Colosseum (Italy). Why not try and make it to see one of these wonders this year?

Holiday Extras travel guides

We've been all around the world and know the best places to visit and advice for what to do while you're there. Our guides are packed full of useful info to make sure you have a hassle-free holiday.

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9. Make a photo book of your travels

With such great cameras on our phones these days we're taking more photos than ever, yet when do we really sit down and look at them properly?

If you're like us you'll have loads of holiday photos sat gathering virtual dust, so why not try and make a photo book for each of your holidays? It's one of those things we always mean to do but never quite find the time for, so let's set that right this year.

10. Travel sustainably

With concerns about the climate and other socio-economic issues it's more important than ever to try and travel in a sustainable and conscious way.

Simple steps like carbon offsetting your flight, using sustainable travel products or using more environmentally friendly modes of transport can help reduce your environmental footprint. Or if you are feeling really adventurous, you could push yourself further and book fully sustainable holidays or even volunteer abroad.

The Good Trip Index

Leave only footprints and take only photos by picking destinations you can visit sustainably and responsibly.

Have a good trip

11. Be the perfect guest abroad

Anti-tourism sentiment and protests are on the rise all over the world. Many of our favourite destinations, which are usually delighted to welcome visitors, are becoming overcrowded and overwhelmed, and many locals are demanding fewer visitors despite the positive impact tourism can have on the local economy.

So, why not plan your next trip in a way that locals will be glad to see you? We've got plenty of tips for being the perfect guest abroad, from choosing lesser known destinations that want more visitors to buying from local businesses and travelling off-season.

How to be the perfect guest abroad

Anti-tourism sentiment is becoming more of a thing in some of the most popular holiday spots – read our tips on how to avoid it and even be welcomed back.

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12. Write your travel bucket list

Never written out your travel bucket list? Putting your travel dreams down on paper is one of the best ways to start dreaming about your future trips.

Whether you dream of riding to the top of the Burj Khalifa or taking a journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway, write out your list and see if you can start planning for any of them.

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