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Book cheap Newcastle airport hotels from only £53.25* per night or or 85.00* with 8 days parking

Compare airport hotels and save money for your holiday when you book with Holiday Extras.

Our collection of cheap Newcastle airport hotels means that with Holiday Extras, you'll always get a superb deal. Our prices are incredibly low, especially when you book in advance and we are Never Beaten on Price. We also offer exclusive hotels with parking packages to make the start of your holiday even easier.

How can I save more with Holiday Extras?

When it comes to getting the best deal, our top tip is always to book your room in advance. Not only will there be more rooms available for you to choose from, but you could also save up to 40 per cent. Leave the extra costs and stress of booking your airport hotel on the day behind you and ensure you pre-book as soon as your holiday is confirmed. Our hotel and parking packages are only available by booking in advance and can even work out cheaper than parking alone.

🏨 Hotel Deals: 10
🚗 Cheapest +Parking: Holiday Inn
🚶 Closest: Premier Inn
💜 Popular: Travelodge

Cheapest Airport hotels icon

What cheap Newcastle airport hotels are available?

hotels at newcastle airport cheap

If you find the early morning and long drive to the airport are a dampener on your holiday mood, the Britannia Newcastle airport hotel provides very affordable 3-star accommodation just a two-minute walk away from the airport. And for added convenience you can also include a parking package for up to 15 days.

The 3-star Holiday Inn has an impressive swimming pool, along with a steam room and sauna; the perfect opportunity to give yourself a little 'me time' and relax before your flight.

cheap newcastle airport hotels

At the 4-star Novotel not only will you be less than four miles from the airport, but you'll also be able to start your holiday as you mean to go on - with a little luxury. The rooms are decorated to a high standard with satellite TV and tea and coffee making facilities, so if you're looking for a hotel that's stylish as well as convenient, the Holiday Inn is the perfect choice.

Cheapest Airport hotels icon

Compare Newcastle's cheapest airport hotels

Compare Newcastle Airport's cheapest hotel deals below.

HotelRoom only priceinc. 1 week parking
Holiday Inn with parking at Long StayMapPhotosReviews£53.25*£85.00*
Travelodge with parking at Long StayMapReviews£70.00*
Novotel with parking at the hotelMapPhotosVideoReviews£82.00*
Premier Inn with secured parkingMapPhotosReviews£93.00*
Gosforth Park with Airparks parkingMapPhotosReviews£95.00*£89.00*
Doubletree by HiltonMapVideoReviews£120.00*£87.00*
Premier Inn Newcastle Airport South with Long Stay ParkingVideo£144.28*
Gateshead Marriott Hotel MetroCentreMapPhotosReviews

*This is an example price for a reservation on 23-07-2023, valid as of 23-05-2023.

Gatwick Airport Short Stay Parking Icon

How to get the cheapest Newcastle airport hotel

Top tip #1 : Pre-book your hotel

Our number 1 top tip to secure a cheap airport hotel is to book your stay in advance. If you were to pre-book with us, you'll get the best deal. You're also guaranteeing yourself a hotel-room, so you can start your fuss-free holiday knowing there's a comfortable hotel bed waiting with your name on it.

Top tip #2 : The earlier you book, the more money you'll save

As well as pre-booking, we recommend booking your hotel as early as possible. The sooner you book the more likely you are to get the cheapest deal. Plus, when you book early you'll often have a wider selection of hotel rooms to choose from, making it easier to pick the ideal overnight stay for your budget.

Top tip #4: Consider booking your Newcastle airport hotel and parking together

It's always worth checking out our Newcastle airport hotel with parking deals and saving money by combining the two in one convenient package.

Top tip #5: Sign up for email offers

Unlock great discounts when you sign up to our email list and you can unsubscribe at any time.

What are Mystery hotels?

Booking a stay at one of our Undercover hotels means that you'll save even more money. We don't reveal the name of the hotel until you've made the booking, but you will be able to see its essential details. You'll still be booking one of our fantastic 3 or 4-star Newcastle airport hotels, the only difference is that you'll benefit from a guaranteed saving on our normal price.

*Prices are correct at time of writing and are subject to change.