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David Kelly

Non-Executive Director, Holiday Extras

David Kelly is a Non-Executive Director at Holiday Extras, providing strategic guidance to support the company's growth and success.

David Kelly's speciality is leading internet and technology businesses, from start-ups to fast-scaling and global brands. He currently is chairman of Sunweb, Liberation Group, Simply Business and Explore Learning and acts as a non executive director at On The Beach.

He holds a BA in Computing from Leicester University, with an MBA in Marketing and a PhD in Business Strategy, both from Cass Business School.

In May 2001, David recieved the Best Paper award from the American Marketing Association's Services Special Interest Group (AMA SERVSIG) for his work titled "Innovation in Services: The Need for Knowledge Management".

My Role at Holiday Extras

David Kelly offers independent oversight and constructive challenge to the executive directors, contributing his extensive experience in internet and technology businesses to guide the company's strategic direction. His expertise in scaling digital businesses is instrumental in advising Holiday Extras on innovation and growth strategies.

As a Non-Executive Director, David Kelly provides strategic guidance, ensuring effective governance and supporting the executive team in achieving the company's objectives.

Life Before HX

David was Senior Vice President of Rackspace International, Chief Executive Officer and founder of, Chief Operating Officer at eBay Inc. (Europe), COO at, and Operations Director at

Life outside of work

David enjoys reading, swimming, learning Portuguese and playing with his twin girls.

What's your perfect hassle-free holiday?

Sun and Swimming


Being a valued member of a winning team with an inspiring vision.